Berto Jongman: Electricity from Living Plants

Dutch Harvest Electricity From Living Plants To Power Streetlights, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones Plant-e, a company based out of the Netherlands, has found a way to harness electricity from living plants, using them to power Wi-Fi hotspots, cell phone chargers, and even streetlights. The company debuted their project, called “Starry Sky,” in November of 2014 …

James Mattis: US Suffers from Strategic Atrophy

Mattis: U.S. Suffering ‘Strategic Atrophy’ By: John Grady USNI News, 14 May 2014 Speaking in Washington, D.C., retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis said, “the perception is we’re pulling back” on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. “We have strategic atrophy.”

Michel Bauwens: Californians Outraged As Oil Producers & Frackers Excluded From Emergency Water Restrictions

Californians Outraged As Oil Producers & Frackers Excluded From Emergency Water Restrictions California’s oil and gas industry is estimated (with official data due to be released in coming days) to use more than 2 million gallons of fresh water per day; so it is hardly surprising that, as Reuters reports, Californians are outraged after discovering …

Jean Lievens: 32,000 Open Hardware Designs

32,000 Open Source Hardware Designs This morning, our community has publicly shared over 32,000 open source hardware designs with the world. They span the full range of dev boards, power supplies, home automation, solar, picture frames, and wearables.  We can’t speak highly enough of those dedicated to the open source hardware movement, and who choose …