JZ Liszkiewicz: 2 Reports – We Are NOT Doomed…Except for the Food Industry

Two Reports Predicting the Future of Humanity Agree We’re Not Totally Doomed Two recent reports on the future of human civilization agree on one important point: We’re not totally screwed. “People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, and increasingly connected, and they are living longer,” concluded the Millennium Project’s 2013-2014 …

Review: Fusion Economics – How Pragmatism is Changing the World

Laurence Brahm 5.0 out of 5 stars Common Sense Community-Based Economics, October 25, 2014 Laurence Brahm is one of those unsung heroes who was changing the world for the better, and influencing various governments in most positive ways, long before ecological economics and social enterprise became fashionable turns of phrase. I regard him as the …

SchwartzReport: Micro-Plastics Invade Water and Food — Major Emergent Threat to Human Health & All Systems Dependent on Water Flow

Once again we see in this report, the latest on the Plastic Waste Trend SR has been following for some years, what wretched excess uncontrolled by any shred of common sense is doing to the Earth. What is becoming clearer year by year is that the micro-particles of plastic produced by the world ocean’s constant …

Berto Jongman: Paul Krugman on Saving the Planet “For Free” PLUS New Book List

Paul Krugman: Saving The Planet ‘Might Be Free’ Economist and columnist for The New York Times Paul Krugman says he’s been reading “two new reports on the economics of fighting climate change” that prove saving the planet could be “cheaper and easier than almost anyone imagines.” Here’s a sampling of the evidence that suggests to …

Sepp Hasslberger: Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun Read more: Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun

Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun Designer Abeer Seikaly has developed a practical yet elegant solution to the need for lightweight, mobile, and structurally sound shelters for disaster zones. The Canadian-Jordanian’s Weaving a Home project not only provides flexible, transportable shelter, but also incorporates water collection, solar power generation and solar water heating into the …