2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes

The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes CounterPunch, 6 July 2015 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has released the National Military Strategy. As a propaganda document, presenting weakness as strength and seeking to gain trust in that which should not be trusted, it is stellar. By naming four main enemies (Russia, Iran, …

Mongoose: Charleston False Flag Indicators

Charleston has not been properly investigated. CHARLESTON CHURCH – FALSE FLAG CONSPIRACY Rita Katz who was reportedly the brains behind various fake Osama bin Laden videos. “She served in the Israeli Defense Forces.” Russ Winter writes: The original Dylann Roof photos were first tweeted by Rita Katz at 7:37 am on the 18th. ‘Arrest’ of Dylann Storm Roof: The Hoax …

SchwartzReport: Pope & Tom Engelhardt Agree: Weapons Kill

Pope says weapons manufacturers can’t call themselves Christian In U.S., Domestic Terror, Cop Killings and Violent Gun Deaths with Suicides, Dwarf Anything “Jihadis” Have Produced Phi Beta Iota: It’s not about guns. It’s about culture and the lack of honest governance. We are “out of control” and the population is going crazy with pain from …