Reference: General McCaffrey’s Trip Report on AF

After Action Report–General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Ret) Visit to Kuwait and Afghanistan 10-18 Nov 09 11 pages Extracted points 01 Phenomenally useful report with too much cheerleading.  This is a 10-year regional war, State Department and AID are pulling out for next several years (too dangerous), costing us roughly half per day what we paid …

Journal: ClimateGate Sarah Palin Special

Boycott Copenhagen (UK Replay of Washington Post Op-Ed) 9 Dec 09 Any deal at the Copenhagen climate summit will be more about politics than science. President Obama should stay away. Copenhagen’s Political Science Sarah Palin,  9 December 2009 In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to “restore science to its rightful place.” But …

Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Evening

Science isn’t really settled Science czar John Holdren, who will testified on Capitol Hill last week at a hearing on Climategate, infamously hyped weather catastrophes and demographic disasters in the 1970s with his population control pals Paul and Anne Ehrlich. He [also] made a public bet against free-market economist Julian Simon, predicting dire shortages of …