Search: Ghandi (sic) Gandhi Seven Social Sins

Gandhi not Ghandi.  We made the same mistake in the early years.  What a wonderful search, thank you for presenting it. Seven Deadly Sins Wealth without Work Pleasure without Conscience Science without Humanity Knowledge without Character Politics without Principle Commerce without Morality Worship without Sacrifice Also known as Seven Social Sins Rights Without Responsibility    8th …

Worth a Look: Field To Market–The Keystone Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Field To Market is a diverse alliance working to create opportunities across the agricultural supply chain for continuous improvements in productivity, environmental quality, and human well-being. The group provides collaborative leadership that is engaged in industry-wide dialogue, grounded in science, and open to the full range of technology choices. The Fieldprint Calculator is an educational …

Call for Papers: Deadline 31 Dec 09 Nature-Inspired Collective Intelligence in Theory and Practice

Special Issue on: NATURE-INSPIRED COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE IN THEORY AND PRACTICE Call for papers – Special issue: Data Mining for Software Trustworthiness Call for Papers – Special Issue: Virtual Agent and Organization Modeling: Theory and Applications? Call for papers – Special issue: Nature Inspired Collective Intelligence Call for papers – Special Issue on BIO-INSPIRED AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE …

Worth a Look: Born to Be Good–Human Compassion

Forget Survival of the Fittest: It Is Kindness That Counts A psychologist probes how altruism, Darwinism and neurobiology mean that we can succeed by not being cutthroat. Dacher Keltner, director of the Berkeley Social Interaction Laboratory, investigates these questions from multiple angles, and often generates results that are both surprising and challenging. In his new …

Review: World-Systems Analysis–An Introduction

Buy PAPERBACK Version–Rewarding but Disappointing December 10, 2009 Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein Do NOT buy the hard-copy. Amazon obscures the fact that the paperback is available, this is a very thin book, buy the paperbackWorld-Systems Analysis: An Introduction (A John Hope Franklin Center Book). I would have been furious had I bought the hard copy at …