Journal: ClimateGate Meets Yamal Divergence

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has outraged us for two reasons–first, the lack of integrity among the scientists and the selected United Nations officials concerned; and second, the naivete, ignorance, or corruption of government officials  all too eager to create a new Global Warming Complex that profits from carbon trades (another form of phantom wealth) while …

Review: Understanding Knowledge as a Commons–From Theory to Practice

Almost a Three–Ambitious Title, Narrow Focus November 29, 2009 Charlotte Hess An MIT publication from 2007, this is actually knowledge from the 2000-2004 timeframe, and it is annoying narrow knowledge written from legal-economic point of view. Well-intentioned, no doubt, this is not the “inter-disciplinary” work that it claims to be, and I demonstrate restraint in …

Journal: Earth Intelligence, Climate Gate, Queen of England, and the Climate Change Fraud Network

Earth Intelligence (46), as with all of our categories for journal entries, references, or reviews, can be bookmarked or selected from the menu in the middle column to follow postings on Climate Change and ClimateGate and the related fraud network. ClimateGate is, in the words of one scientist, a mushroom cloud rather than a smoking …

Worth a Look: Literature in Rebuttal of Global Warming

Global Warming False Alarm: The Bad Science Behind the United Nations’ Assertion that Man-made CO2 Causes Global Warming In language that a layman can understand, Ralph Alexander explains how the whole global warming claim got started, who started it, and how it has been maintained by too many scientists (and others) using deliberately false or …

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

The future of OSINT is M4IS2. The future of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is Multinational, Multifunctional, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2). The following, subject to the approval of Executive and Congressional leadership, are suggested hueristics (rules of thumb): Rule 1: All Open Source Information (OSIF) goes directly to the high side (multinational top secret) …