Daniel Ellsberg: Why Not End Nuclear Spending & Secrecy?

Interview with legendary whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg following his 89th arrest for resisting nuclear weapons, nuclear war and government secrecy One of the things I learned today from talks given at Lawrence Livermore Labs was that for the past seven years, each budget for nuclear weapons has increased. In particular it was true in 2015 under …

Penguin: Huawei Open Source Going Global — Now Imagine China Embracing Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Across the Board as an Upgrade to the One Belt One Road Strategy?

Huawei’s Harmony OS Will Compete Globally Within 2 Years, Founder Says Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said his company’s much-hyped proprietary operating system would be able to compete with top rival systems within two years, according to a transcript of his Sept. 19 interview with Fortune magazine. Huawei unveiled its home-grown HarmonyOS, also known as Hongmeng …

Caitlin Johnstone: Rugged Individualism vs Enlightened Collectivism

Rugged Individualism Cannot Save Us. Only Enlightened Collectivism Can. So collectivism by itself is worthless. What we need is not just our healthy impulse to collaborate, but to collaborate in a wise and intuitive way that is not manipulated by the propaganda narratives of the powerful. We need an enlightened collectivism in which we all …

Berto Jongman: Civilization Collapse by 2050?

Human civilisation could end by 2050 as experts warn climate change will cause ecological collapse followed by disease pandemics, nuclear war and lethal heatwaves Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration Climate change near-to-mid-term threat to civilisation Business-as-usual emissions = catastrophic future Climate tipping points that could lead to an uninhabitable Earth