Ty Simpson: USG Acknowledgess Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Government-Run Cancer Institute Quietly Acknowledges That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells The National Cancer Institute is an organization mandated by U.S. law to educate Americans about cancer and the latest research efforts. According to its website, NCI is touted as “the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.” And recently, it quietly admitted that cancer cells …

Berto Jongman: Monsanto Doubles Cancer Death Rates in Argentina

Cancer Death Rates Now Doubled In Argentina’s GMO Agribusiness Areas Data linking GMOs and pesticides to human health ailments continues to emerge, as a new report put together by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba, Argentina has found that increased levels of crop spraying in Argentina’s most extensively farmed areas has resulted in a large …

4th Media: Russian or Cuban Play on Snowden Hints at Chavez Cancer from CIA

Snowden Hasn’t Yet Had the Last Word: Truth about the Suspicious Death of Chaves? Is That Why US So Nervous? The threats and ultimatums with which the Obama administration is bombarding potential harborers of Edward Snowden should not surprise anyone. No other reaction from the U.S. authorities is possible. The likelihood that Snowden will be able to …