2002 THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE: Personal, Public, & Political – Citizen’s Action Handbook for Fighting Terrorism, Genocide, Disease, Toxic Bombs, & Corruption

2020: It just kills me to have wasted decades wandering in the wilderness (but I did learn a lot no one in the US IC has a clue about) .  I am praying for a second chance to help our government get it right under President Trump. Foreword by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS), whom I …

2001 Wallach Public Citizen Using Public Intelligence in the Public Interest

Lori M. Wallach has been director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch since 1995. Lori Wallach applies public intelligence in the public interest, and is a true leader of the emerging Epoch B community of indigenous peoples and independent citizens who value appreciative inquiry deliberative dialog, and responsible advocacy against those elements that seek to …

Berto Jongman: US “Sovereign Citizens” As Top US Domestic Extremist Threat — Paper from George Washington Program on Extremism

Without Prejudice: What Sovereign Citizens Believe J. M. Berger When surveyed, United States law enforcement consistently ranks sovereign citizens as the top domestic extremist threat, even greater than that presented by homegrown jihadists. Despite the considerable size of the movement, estimated to include hundreds of thousands of adherents, few Americans know what sovereigns believe and …

Who’s Who in Stellar Intelligence: Randy Cramer

Captain Randy Cramer is an officer who has been given authority to address the public on behalf of the command staff of United States Marine Corps, special section. Which was created by President Eisenhower in 1953, as a covert military intelligence branch, with specific authority over Extra-Terrestrial, multi-dimensional, non-human, and off world beings, consortiums and …