Journal: President Lacks Intelligence on Nuclear Option–Actually, He Lacks Intelligence (Decision-Support) on EVERYTHING

Four Nuclear Myths: A Commentary on Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Discipline and on Similar Writings AUTHOR: Lovins, Amory DOCUMENT ID: 2009-09 YEAR: 2009 DOCUMENT TYPE: Journal or Magazine Article PUBLISHER: RMI Public discussions of nuclear power, and a surprising number of articles in peer-reviewed journals, are increasingly based on four notions unfounded in fact or …

Journal: Haiti Multinational Decision-Support Challenge

HAITI: The 2010 Earthquake This initiative is a joint effort between Ushahidi, UN OCHA/Colombia and the International Network of Crisis Mappers (CM*Net). OCHA/Colombia recently deployed Ushahidi for an earthquake response excercise so we’re very grateful for their invaluable contribution to this Haiti deployment. We’re completing the customization of the platform as fast as we can. …

Graphic: Jan Herring’s Triangle for Decision-Support

Jan Herring, then National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Science & Technology (S&T) was the first modern OSINT pioneer, along with George Marling and other S&T analyts.  After he retired he devleoped this triangle as part of his training offered via the Academy of Competitive Intelligence, still the best institution around.

2001 Decision for the Vice-President Elect on Creating an Open Source Information Program (OSIP) in Support of National Security Decision-Making, with Emphasis on Third World/Non-State Threats

The below memorandum was delivered to the Vice-President-elect via the Transitioin Team.  Although Condi Rice, prodded by Kevin Scheid, did read a related memorandum on reforming national intelligence, and asked for a tailored one-pager on homeland security, the White House never really got it and Sean O’Keefe left the Office Management and Budget (OMB) before …

Valerie Bugault : French Public Support of President Donald Trump

A French support committee to the re-election of Donald Trump The re-election of President Trump is of vital interest to peace in Europe and the world. Donald Trump is indeed the first President of the United States since 1988 to have undertaken no war, neither in Europe nor in the Middle East or elsewhere, while …