Babette Bensoussan: Commercial Intelligence Choke Points — Why Businesses Fail to Make Good Decisions?

Business and Competitive Analysis: Definition, Context, and Benefits with Craig S. Fleisher 2007 CLASSIC Most organizations today are not structured or organized properly to make good decisions that will help them outperform their competition in the marketplace.12 It is commonplace for this book’s authors to hear from decisions makers who lament in retrospect: “If only …

Anthony Judge: Global Challenge of the Global Challenge ¿ In-quest of a decision-making framework appropriate to a world in crisis ?

Global Challenge of the Global Challenge ¿ In-quest of a decision-making framework appropriate to a world in crisis ? Introduction Inadequacy of global decision-making? Starting afresh in envisioning new possibilities? Deriving insights and learnings from past and complementary initiatives Dimensions and processes to be encompassed self-reflexively? Interweaving disparate modalities Polyhedral transformation in support of global …

Robert Steele: EU Rejects Idea of a European Secret Service – Right Decision, Wrong Question, Missed Opportunity

EU Rejects Idea of a European Secret Service – Right Decision, Wrong Question, Missed Opportunity Defence and Intelligence Norway, 26 June 2016 DOC (5 Pages): Steele EU Rejects Secret Agency, Wrong Question (20160612) On 10 June 2016 the European Union (EU) Interior Ministers turned down the idea of creating a common European secret service to …