Owl: Ebola Eugenics, Ebola Profits, Ebola Contagion at US Summit?

Ebola: Has the Great Cull Begun Using the 21rst Century’s Spanish Flu? In a recent post that Wayne Madsen has since removed, he answered this question affirmatively – that Ebola is the chosen agent by the Elite to achieve their population reductions goals. Even if one has doubts about such a theory, everything expressed in …

Mini-Me: All-Source Fusion “State of …”

Huh? 2013 Majority Staff Report on the National Network of Fusion Centers (HCHS) 2012 Data Fusion: Uncovering Data Patterns and Leveraging Multiple Data Sources (Tuttle & Rose, PPC) 2012 Sensor and Data Fusion: A Tool for Information Assessment and Decision-Making (SPIE, 2012)

Jean Lievens: Workshop Report on Use of Mass Collaboraiton in Disaster Management

Workshop report explores use of mass collaboration in disaster management The growing use of social media and other mass collaboration technologies is opening up new opportunities in disaster management efforts, but is also creating new challenges for policymakers looking to incorporate these tools into existing frameworks, according to a new report from the Commons Lab …

Sheila Casey: Photographic Essay on False Flag Theater — Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage + Boston False Flag Meta-RECAP

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage  “Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?” – Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.  By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows) The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon …

Anthony Judge: 30 Disabling Global Trends (Checklist)

Checklist of 30 disabling trends Systemic erosion of confidence and trust, most notably with regard to: Politicians, with a vested interest in ensuring their re-election at any cost Science, with a vested interest in justifying costly research Professions, with their vested interest in overselling on the basis of their authoritative advice Business (especially the financial …