The Steele Report Questions for Saturday – Subscribe If You Want To Hear Answers!

Below are the questions I will answer tomorrow at The Steele  Report. Subscribers get to ask questions each week that are always answered. Subscribe at 1. Why wouldn’t china now use supersonic torpedos on our carriers @ Tiawon & EMP on the US preceeding a red dawn invassion to take our land? Any or …

George Webb: DNC Gladio C Burning & Violence Plan — Transcript of Banned Video That Connects DNC, Mossad, Antifa

VIDEO BANNED BY YOUTUBE Who’s Hand Is Behind the Antifa Coup? Same Hand as 4 Years Ago, Alexandra Bruce George Webb does a little victory lap in this short video, in which he reminds us that he was on the trail of this coup 3 years ago, following an encrypted Blackberry communications network of …

George Webb: Solemani [SIC] Missiles Came W/ Alperovich Launch Codes, Negotiated On Biden Blackberries

Recommended by Kerry Cassidy. Talks about nuclear sales under Obama, mentions Mike Flynn, scary part:  40-45 nukes sold to 8 different Sunni kingdoms as part of the Iranian nuclear deal.  Same people who want to take President Donald Trump down.  This is not about Iran — this is about individuals with launch codes across entire …

Mongoose: Fiona Hill Worked for George Soros — Is She a Genetic Man?

No direct knowledge. The plot thickens.  Has Fiona Hill ever been properly investigated?  Was her background investigation compromised by internal traitors? Tip of the hat to American Intelligence Media for this overview with documentation. Fiona Hill is a fake Russia expert from Harvard who was planted to destabilize Russia-American relations for the Pilgrims Society She …