Chuck Spinney & Gareth Porter: US to Blame for Rise of Islamic State and Syria Disaster UPDATE 1: WikiLeaks Documents US Perfidy

Below is a very important report describing how a string of US covert operations reaching back to the 1980s has created the bloody shambles in Iraq, Syria and the emergence of ISIS.* The author, Gareth Porter, is one of the finest investigative reporters now operating in the United States.  Most importantly, IMO, Porter ends by …

Antechinus: Hugh Roberts on Syria, the Islamic State, and History — A Deep Read

The Hijackers by Hugh Roberts Being a deep historical overview of Syria and the Islamic State in the context of the “deep state” of criminals who manipulate governments and eventually give rise to populist movements. Western policy has been a disgrace and Britain’s contribution to it should be a matter of national shame. Whatever has …

Steven Aftergood: Countering the Islamic State & More from CRS

Countering the Islamic State, and More from CRS Some 60 nations and partner organizations have made commitments to help counter the Islamic State with military forces or resources, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service. But coalition efforts suffer from a lack of coherence, CRS said. “Without a single authority responsible for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Islamic State Propaganda West Neither Gets Nor Contests — Accept Our Rules, Gain Stability

Worthy of a full read — a classic failure of US intelligence and strategic communication filters. Islamic State propaganda: what the West doesn’t understand Ruth Pollard in Sydney Morning Herald Beirut: Behind the ultra-violent execution videos that have become the Islamic State’s disturbing trademark is a carefully calibrated set of messages aimed not at terrorising but …

Robert Parry: Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists

Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists Exclusive: Ukraine’s post-coup regime is now melding neo-Nazi storm troopers with Islamic militants – called “brothers” of the hyper-violent Islamic State – stirring up a hellish “death squad” brew to kill ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, on Russia’s border, reports Robert Parry. EXTRACT So, the underlying message seems to be …

Robert Parry: Daniel Lazare on Why Islamic State is Winning

Why Islamic State Is Winning Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance and U.S. neocons have pressured President Obama into continuing U.S. hostility toward the secular Syrian government despite major military gains by the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, leading to an emerging catastrophe in the Mideast, as Daniel Lazare explains.

CounterPunch: Rise of “Islam as a Solution” Fundamentalism and Failure of the Left in the Middle East

The Rise of Religious Powers and the Failure of the Left in The Middle-East: An Interview with Ramzy Baroud EXTRACT The general idea was: both US-western and Soviet models have failed or are failing, and there is an urgent need for alternative. Don’t forget these societies fought and are fighting against extremely corrupt, brutal, calculating …