Patrick Meier: Ushahidi Emergent as Democracy in Being

Theorizing Ushahidi: An Academic Treatise Posted on October 2, 2011 by Patrick Meier [This is an excerpt taken from Chapter 1 of my dissertation] Activists are not only turning to social media to document unfolding events, they are increasingly mapping these events for the world to bear witness. We’ve seen this happen in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, …

The Library of Utility

“I imagine a library atop a remote mountain that collects the essential information needed to re-learn practical knowledge essential to civilization. This depot, open to anyone who journeys there, is the cultural equivalent of the Svalbard seed bank, a vault on the Arctic Circle that holds frozen seeds of crop plants from around the world. …

Review (Guest): What’s Mine Is Yours–The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

Rachel Botsman (Author), Roo Rogers (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars Ways to Share That Benefit You and Others September 17, 2010 ByKare Anderson “Kare Anderson” (Sausalito, CA) – See all my reviews One Saturday a friend who lives on Nob Hill in S.F. drove a zipcar over to visit me in Sausalito. He was …

My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence

Robert David Steele Serial pioneer, hacking humanity. – – – – – – – Posted: October 19, 2010 09:13 AM My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and do Comments. On the left, asking these questions, Tom Atlee, co-founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute and author …

Review (Guest): What Technology Wants

Kevin Kelly From Booklist:  Verbalizing visceral feelings about technology, whether attraction or repulsion, Kelly explores the “technium,” his term for the globalized, interconnected stage of technological development. Arguing that the processes creating the technium are akin to those of biological evolution, Kelly devotes the opening sections of his exposition to that analogy, maintaining that the …

Search: carkhuff cleveland information technolog

Existing WordPress Search produces two hits: Review: The New Age of Innovation–Driving Cocreated Value Through Global Networks Review: Information Payoff–The Transformation of Work in the Electronic Age Although books are listed in the first and authors in the second, this is a good opportunity to list the very special group of books that have shaped–along …