Event: The Deep State & the Assassination of JFK: Lessons for Donald Trump? — Reston, VA, Saturday 3 June 2017, All Day, $99 — Includes Ron Paul and Oliver Stone as Speakers

The Deep State & the Assassination of JFK:  Lessons for Donald Trump? The Future of Freedom Foundation, a Libertarian organization, is offering a tremendous conference on 3 June 2017, a Saturday, in Reston, VA at the Washington Dulles Airport Marriott. The ballroom can accommodate 275, there are 50 seats left at $99, with Ron Paul …

Yoda: Timeline of Trump Betraying Alt-Right While Zionists Capture White House — Syria is the Last Straw — Or is Donald Trump a Genius? UPDATE 7

Problems he has. How The Alt-Right Broke Up With Donald Trump Hunter  Wallace The attack on Syria was the final straw. It was a stunning turn of events. Donald Trump ripped up his “America First” foreign policy and threw it in the garbage in order to appease the political establishment. In doing so, he severely …

Owl: Proof of Polls Rigged Against Trump — Comment on System Rigged Twelve Different Ways — Copy of Fax to Speaker Paul Ryan

This analysis makes a good case for Trump winning – maybe by a landslide –  no matter what polls say. Proof That Rigged Polls Are Oversampling Democrats Below the fold: comment and graphic on system rigged twelve different ways, and copy of facsimile to Speaker Paul Ryan proposing emergency session of Congress to mandate paper …

David A. Bray: Distributed Problem-Solving Networks

Back in 2007-2008 we did research relevant to your thinking on Applied Collective Intelligence, at the University of Oxford.  We focused on “distributed problem-solving networks” that included looking at film production in a distributed fashion to include a lot of open source projects: http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/research/projects/?id=45

Owl: Paul Craig Roberts on Paris 12 False Flag Anomalies, Media Complicity

Charlie Hebdo, Another False Flag, Brought to You by the US, with Help From French Intel & Mossad – Roberts Robert’s observations below about the the alleged getaway car driver in the Paris shootings, Hamid Mourad, who turned himself in (which for the time being saved his life) jack up the probability this was a …

Paul Craig Roberts: For the Record – Bin Laden’s 2001 Obituary Notice

Bin Laden’s Obituary Notice A Funeral Notice for Osama bin Laden was published on December 26, 2001, in the Egyptian newspaper al-Ward. An English translation is provided below. Anyone fluent in Arabic is invited to verify or correct the translation. This item was sent to me from a reader abroad. Also below are is a …