Aeronautical Engineer: Memorandum for the President: No Boeing 757 Hit the Pentagon

9/11: No Boeing757  Hit the Pentagon 20 July 2018 Mr. President, According to The 9/11 Commission Report (2004), American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, was flown into the Pentagon at around 400 mph barely skimming the ground and taking out a series of lampposts on its approach. As a pilot and aeronautical engineer, however, that cannot be correct: high-speed flight …

Barbara Honegger: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Pre-Planted Pentagon Explosives Went Off Almost Eight Minutes Prior to Any Alleged Impact on the Building

9/11 Pre-Planted Pentagon Explosives Went Off Almost Eight Minutes Before Any Alleged Impact on The Building 13 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, I was a White House Policy Analyst to President Ronald Reagan and for over a decade the    Senior Military Affairs Writer for the Naval Postgraduate School, the leading science and technology graduate research university of the …

Steven Aftergood: Pentagon Audit Underway, “There Will Be Unpleasant Surprises”

PENTAGON AUDIT: “THERE WILL BE UNPLEASANT SURPRISES” For the first time in its history, the Department of Defense is now undergoing a financial audit. The audit, announced last December, is itself a major undertaking that is expected to cost $367 million and to involve some 1200 auditors. The results are to be reported in November …