Winslow Wheeler: Pentagon Hiding $125B in Waste — and the Report It Asked For… + Waste Reference Library

Bottom line up front: one quarter, 25%, of the Pentagon’s annual budget, is spent on overhead, not on troops or weapons or mobility systems. As a businessman, President-Elect Trump should understand that more money for a system this sick is a step in the wrong direction and that a take-no-prisoners manager (with a proven record …

Berto Jongman: Benghazi – Leon Panetta Lied, Clinton Refused Pentagon Offer of Timely Help

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces …

Chuck Spinney: America’s Paper Tiger — a Pentagon Flush with Cash and Running on Empty

Flush With Cash, Running on Empty (IV) Pentagon spending has not really been an issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign.  With the exception of Ted Cruz, the positions of the remaining candidates have been vague about even the size of the defense budget.  As near as I can tell: (1) Clinton’s position on the size …

Berto Jongman: Pentagon Uses NGOs as Spies — Violation of US Law?

Top-Secret Pentagon Program Exploited Aid Workers as Covert Spies Experts warn that Department of Defense espionage program places international NGOs at great risk After a months-long investigation, The Intercept‘s Matthew Cole, with help from Margot Williams and Lee Fang, exposes the reach of a highly-classified Department of Defense program, which ran from December 2004 to …

Berto Jongman: Pentagon Weapons Vulnerable to Open Internet Connections for Performance Monitoring

Pentagon’s Online Habits Render US Weapons Info Highly Vulnerable The Pentagon’s longstanding practice of connecting networks, equipment, and weapons to the open Internet has unintentionally created major vulnerabilities throughout the Defense Department. The strategy was supposed to facilitate the collection of performance data to help design new weapons and monitor equipment remotely, among other benefits. Instead, it has jeopardized …