Sepp Hasslberger: Web Mesh via Solar Plus LED Light Links (Li-Fi)

I see a whole new local networking technology developing here. Solar cells are available just about everywhere and so are strong led flashlights that can bridge the distance between the users of a local network and the internet feed… New Technology Uses Solar Cells As Power Source & Li-Fi Data Node The new solar ‘Li-Fi‘ …

Sepp Hasslberger: “Plonkable” Concentrated Solar Into Electricity On the Spot?

Concentrated solar uses the energy-rich infrared band of solar radiation and it has great promise, but it depends on simple and cheap tech being developed to capture and convert that heat to electricity. South African team may have solved solar puzzle even Google couldn’t crack “We are developing plonkable heliostats. Plonkable means that from factory …

CounterPunch: How US and WTO Screwed India Over Domestic Production of Solar Energy

How the US and the WTO Crushed India’s Subsidies for Solar Energy The subsidies which provoked the ire of the United States are in the form of Domestic Content Requirements (DCRs). These mandate that a set proportion of specified materials used in the NSM must be manufactured in India. . . .  The US attack …

Ian Crossland: Nexushaus Solar Water Independent Home

Nexushaus is an amazing and cheap solar living home that is water independent This one story, energy positive house comes from designers from Technische Universität München (TUM) and the University of Texas at Austin (UTA). Made with almost entirely sustainable materials, a self-reliant water capture and treatment system and solar panels, Nexushaus is currently being …

SchwartzReport: Biomimicry Extends Solar Charge to Weeks Instead of Moments

Yet another new breakthrough on solar. This one has huge implications. UCLA discovers how solar cells’ charges can last for weeks A team of UCLA chemists, for instance, have developed a way that will allow solar cells to keep their charge for weeks instead of just a few seconds like current products are capable of. …

SchwartzReport: Wind & Solar Challenge Legacy Grid

David Roberts’ report is about the best I have read on the issue of the existing grid and the transition to noncarbon energy. It raises most of the major relevant issues. See the SR archive for the previous piece referenced. Why wind and solar power are such a challenge for energy grids