Berto Jongman: No Drinking Water by 2040? Need Global Energy Paradigm Shift! Privatization is NOT the Answer

‘There Will Be No Water’ by 2040? Researchers Urge Global Energy Paradigm Shift Reports: World Faces ‘Insurmountable’ Water Shortage by Nadia Prupis, staff writer Common Dreams, 30 July 2014 The world risks an “insurmountable” water crisis by 2040 without an immediate and significant overhaul of energy consumption and demand, a research team reported on Wednesday. …

SchwartzReport: Fukushima’s Children Dying — and Solar Power Break-Through Obviates Nuclear and Fossil Fuels

Here is the latest on Fukushima, and it is tragically sad. Remember that radiation contamination sourced at the site continues to pollute Japan, Japanese waters, and the world ocean. Note the last paragraphs. In American nuclear accidents the government has been similarly duplicitous. That’s because nuclear accidents are so horrible governments everywhere don’t want the …

Sepp Hasslberger: Daniel Nocera Achieves Holy Grail of Energy Research — a Silicon Leaf that Splits Water

Simple and efficient – producing hydrogen and oxygen from water by use of light and catalysts. They say electricity is cheap and no one wants the new technology, so Nocera is setting his sights on the developing world… The artificial leaf that could power the world Cambridge, MA (CNN) — As Daniel Nocera gazed down …

Sepp Hasslberger: Power from Water Plasma

If this pans out, and it’s not impossible by any means, we have a new, abundant energy source being harnessed… Blacklight announces sustained production of enormous electrical power from water BlackLight Power, Inc. today announces that it achieved sustained electricity production from a primary new energy source by using photovoltaic technology to transform brilliant plasma, …

John Maquire: Aquapol Wall Dehydrator Fueled by Zero Point Energy

Austrian Inventor Wilhelm Mohorn has sold thousands of Aquapol units across Europe. The invention has saved customers thousands of dollars that would have been spent on costly basement renovations due to water damage. The device requires no conventional energy input, as it is entirely fueled by what he acknowledges as “Space Energy”. Although the Aquapol is not a …

SmartPlanet: Saltwater-Cooled Greenhouse Grows Crops in the Sahara

Saltwater-cooled greenhouse grows crops in the Sahara How do you grow vegetables in arid areas? Reverse the trend of desertification, the Sahara Forest Project proposes. The project combines existing technologies — such as the evaporation of saltwater to create fresh water along with solar thermal energy tech — to utilize what we have (saltwater, CO2) …

Open Mind: Teen Invention to Skim Plastic Only From Oceans — Are We Ready to Harvest Profit from Second Generation of Fossil Fuel Garbage? + Plastic Trash RECAP

Teen Says His Invention Will Save the World’s Oceans Nineteen-year-old Boyan Slat wants to change the world by making the oceans a lot less trashy. The Dutch teenager says he has invented a device that can remove 20 billion tons of plastic trash from the world’s oceans, according to a Daily Mail report. The story …