Sepp Hasslberger: Sun Splits Water to Produce Hydrogen — the Holy Grail of Energy + Water Energy RECAP

Slowly getting there … when the universities get in on the act, we just might end up with a clean energy economy! Have we found the ‘holy grail’ in cutting emissions? Power plant claims to produce hydrogen by splitting water with sunlight The University of Colorado at Boulder has designed a hydrogen plant that uses …

Neal Rauhauser: Israel Has No Claim on Litani Waters [But Stealing Water — Lots Of It — from Aquifers]

Israel: No Claim On Litani Waters Quality information on the Rivers Of The Fertile Cresent tends to be dense and technical, but there are occasional bits of political dynamite, such as this quote. The Fig. 1 mentioned is the above map of the Jordan & Litani river basins. On the other hand, it is worthy to …

Sepp Hasslberger: High Pressure Water Systems Releases Hydrogen Bonds, Produces Energy

Richard Aho of MIST Energy Systems has been working for years on the idea that hydrogen bond energy could be harnessed. He went on working where others had abandoned the field because they knew it “couldn’t be done”. In his Mist Energy System, water is pressurized by a commercially available high pressure pump, it is …

SchwartzReport: New Solution on Water Purification — and Three Corporate Evil Stories — Media, Patents, Monsanto

Although those of us in the developed nations take potable water for granted the fact is for several billion people it is a major matter of urgent stress. Here is a new technology that may help relieve this problem.  Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Biopolymer-reinforced synthetic granular nanocomposites for affordable point-of-use water …

Sepp Hasslberger: Artificial Leaf Self Heals Produces Energy from Dirty Water

Producing hydrogen from water, sunlight and some catalyst-coated chips of silicon – we are getting closer to doable home electricity for the technically challenged… ‘Artificial leaf’ gains the ability to self-heal damage and produce energy from dirty water Another innovative feature has been added to the world’s first practical “artificial leaf,” making the device even more …

SchwartzReport: Growing Food in Desert with Solarized Seawater — AND Stabilizes Sea Level

Growing food in the desert: is this the solution to the world’s food crisis? Philipp Saumweber is creating a miracle in the barren Australian outback, growing tonnes of fresh food. So why has he fallen out with the pioneering environmentalist who invented the revolutionary system? Jonathan Margolis The Observer, Saturday 24 November 2012 The scrubby …

Michel Bauwens: Michael Klare on False Oil Boom and True Water Cost

THE BOOK:  Michael Klare, The Race for What’s Left: The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources (Metropolitan Books, 2012) THE ARTICLE:  The new “Golden Age of Oil” that wasn’t by Michael T. Klare Forecasts of Abundance Collide with Planetary Realities Last winter, fossil-fuel enthusiasts began trumpeting the dawn of a new “golden age of …