Yoda: Alternative Alternative Energy — Lasers Cool Water

UW Scientists Invent Laser That Can Refrigerate Liquid Water A new UW study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last week revealed that a team of UW researchers has used an infrared laser to cool liquid water by about 36 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 20 degrees Celsius) — and they say it’s …

Chuck Spinney: Global Warming as Scam Cover-Up Distracting from Massive Water Theft Now

Attached below this introduction is a very important report describing the problem of water depletion in Saudi Arabia and California.  This report is interesting and important, both for what it says and for what it does not say. Note that there is no mention of global warming or climate change, although some of the papers hot linked …

Sepp Hasslberger: Water Splitter = Hydrogen Energy

Yes, we should learn how to use hydrogen as a clean fuel… Water splitter produces clean-burning hydrogen fuel 24/7 An inexpensive renewable source of clean-burning hydrogen fuel for transportation and industry EXTRACT “We have developed a low-voltage, single-catalyst water splitter that continuously generates hydrogen and oxygen for more than 200 hours, an exciting world-record performance,” …

SchwartzReport: Solar & Wind Energy Winning on Price vs. Conventional Fuels — PBI Add True Costs and Corrupt Fossil Subsidies and It’s a No-Brainer

The non carbon energy trend is gathering momentum at a surprising rate, and it is very good news. Here is The New York Times view, which I consider an establishment perspective and all the more surprising for that. Solar and Wind Energy Start to Win on Price vs. Conventional Fuels The cost of providing electricity …

SchwartzReport: Micro-Plastics Invade Water and Food — Major Emergent Threat to Human Health & All Systems Dependent on Water Flow

Once again we see in this report, the latest on the Plastic Waste Trend SR has been following for some years, what wretched excess uncontrolled by any shred of common sense is doing to the Earth. What is becoming clearer year by year is that the micro-particles of plastic produced by the world ocean’s constant …