Wayne Jett: Trump Can Save Capitalism By Ending Federal Reserve and Mercantilism (Throw in a Balanced Budget and a Gold-Backed Dollar For Best Results)

RETURN TO CAPITALISM End the Fed and TBTF Banks …capitalism lost much of its role in America when the global ruling elite got their privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913 and imposed the Great Depression beginning in October, 1929. Since then, mercantilism has ruled economic affairs in the U. S. and the world. But now, …

Anthony Judge: Exhortation to We the Peoples from the Club of Rome Review of “Come On! — Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet”

Exhortation to We the Peoples from the Club of Rome Review of “Come On! — Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet” Introduction Eliciting the Club of Rome’s collective memory? Possible relevance of contrasting styles and biases Systemic thematic analysis to facilitate integrative global comprehension? Uptake, influence and readership — self-reflective impact analysis? …