Wayne Jett: Saving America from the Kingmakers Cabal

SAVING AMERICA From The Kingmakers Cabal Since colonial times, and particularly since 1900, America has been targeted and wounded by a global cabal of kingmakers who have gathered great wealth and power. That cabal’s objective has been to weaken and destroy national governments in order to rule by global dictatorship. Another objective is to destroy …

Wayne Jett: Dollar Going Down — By Design So Growth Can Continue

FED REPOS SIGNAL END Of Fiat Federal Reserve Notes Since mid-September, financial observers have been concerned by reports that the Federal Reserve is lending tens of billions of dollars to unnamed parties, believed to be major banks, under overnight repurchase agreements, commonly called repos. Last Friday, October 11, the Fed issued a statement briefly describing …

Wayne Jett: Policing Global Graft

POLICING GLOBAL GRAFT: Odds Favored The Grafters, Until Now Consider the protections given to Establishment politicians against prosecution for fraud and corruption while in office, particularly when the fraud and corruption occurs on the international scene as compared with domestically. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has opened yet another investigation of President Donald Trump to gather evidence …

Wayne Jett: Sky Poisons Relief Coming Soon?

SKY POISONS RELIEF? First Signs of Hope For years Americans and other nations all over the world have suffered the poisonous aerial attacks made with high technology cryptically called geoengineering designed to destroy air quality, natural climate and weather, and the mental and physical health of human populations. Some academics touted the technology, insisting it …

Wayne Jett: Gold, Dollar, Living Standards, Trade Talks

GOLD, DOLLAR & PRICES Trade Talks Must Succeed Thirty years ago, President George Bush hustled Americans along the road to a “new world order,” code words meaning an end to nations with elected representative governments. Bush 41 put the North American Free Trade Agreement into place, and his protégé and successor, President Bill Clinton, admitted …