Zero Hedge: Over 80% Of Black Americans Don’t Want To ‘Abolish Police’

Over 80% Of Black Americans Don’t Want To ‘Abolish Police’ While BLM would have one believe that cops are inherently evil and must be abolished, a new Gallup poll finds that’s most minorities in America don’t feel that way. Of those surveyed, 61% of Black Americans are just fine with current levels of police presence …

Zero Hedge: Pepe Escobar on the South China Sea — China Wins, US Loses, This Is A Good Thing…

Escobar: The Heart Of The Matter In The South China Sea Yet “freedom” was never the issue. In imperial terminology, “freedom” means that China must obey and keep the South China Sea open to the US Navy. Well, that’s possible, but you gotta behave. That’ll be the day when the US Navy is “denied” the …

Zero Hedge: Authentic Blacks Laughing a Fake Blacks and Young White Dumb Asses Toppling Statues

BET Founder Says “Black People Laugh At White People” Toppling Statues Authored by Alex Nitzberg via, BET founder Robert Johnson during a Wednesday interview with Fox News described people toppling statues as “borderline anarchists” and pushed back against the idea that black people support such behavior, suggesting instead that they “laugh” at those who knock down the statues.

Zero Hedge: Twitter YouTube Celebrate Lies, Censor Truths

Twitter, YouTube Permit Communist Party Misinformation While Aggressively Censoring Conservatives Surprisingly, even the most stringent websites handled the Chinese propaganda with a light touch, even as they continued to crack down on conservative voices and media organizations. Just today, Facebook removed a Trump campaign ad for using a symbol that a group of left-wing activists …

Zero Hedge: Mark Jeftovic on Virtue Mongrels

The Back-Channel Backlash Against Toxic Virtue-Mongers ORIGINAL: On toxic virtue and the new digital samizdat Virtue-mongering is what I define as an abrogation of the first principals of virtue, and a regression into a dumbed-down caricature of itself. Virtue-mongering or “weaponized virtue”. . . is the assertion that merely staking claim to the higher moral …