Phil Giraldi: American Citizens Killed and Tortured by Israel While US Embassy Covers the Atrocities Up? Zionist Strike #55

American Citizens Killed and Tortured by Israel? No one is ever held accountable What the U.S. Embassy under Friedman will not do is put any real pressure on the Israeli government if its security forces or rampaging settlers kill, beat, maim or torture an American citizen, especially if said citizen happens to be of Palestinian …

CounterPunch: Andrew Levine on Sanders & The Jewish Question (Judaism is Not Zionism and Zionism is Irreconciliable with Judaism)

Sanders After Corbyn: The Jewish Question It doesn’t help either that what was once deemed “a light unto the nations” has become an international pariah state. How could any right-thinking person, Gentile or Jew, not think of it that way – after the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians living within Israel proper, the imposition of an …

Anthony Hall: Case Studies in Zionist Censorship – Zionist Strike 51

The Israel Lobby and University Governance: The Case of Dr. Steven Salaita In their introduction to a volume published in 2017, We Will Not Be Silenced: The Academic Repression of Israel’s Critics, Prof. Robinson joined with Maryam S. Griffin to report, The [Israel] lobby has drastically stepped up its campaign to silence and repress those who …

SPECIAL DefDog: Despite Known Hoax by 4Chan, ADL Declares A-OK Symbol a White Supremacist Sign Zionist Strike #50

UPDATE 1B: This is just too funny. As much as we despise the ADL and believe its leaders should be put behind bars as terrorists and subversives, an Alert Reader has pointed out that the ADL has been hoaxed. Here’s the story from the ADL itself — despite this, they believe they have the right …