Review: No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

Hamilton Bean 5.0 out of 5 stars Spectacular Integrative and Pioneering Work, July 27, 2011 This is a pioneering work that not only explains the true worth of open source intelligence, but also illuminates the institutional bias against it and the pathologies of a culture of secrecy. The use of primary data from interviews makes …

Chinese Create New Open Source Intelligence System

Intelligence Online No. 645 July 14, 2011 Phi Beta Iota:  Intelligence Online is the one subscription we cannot live without.  See their other offerings as well.  Reading between the lines, it would appear the Chinese no longer feel “behind” the English-language world, and are doing what the English-language world should have been doing since 1988: …

Dolphin: Electoral Rage in Malaysia, Open Insurgency?

From a Human Intelligence perspective, below is a very strong signal that the Arab Spring and its “Days of Rage” are spreading; even well-managed countries such as Malaysia (and one speculates, badly-managed ones like the USA) appear to be in line for Electoral Reform protests and perhaps Open Source Insurgency. Malaysia police fire tear gas, …

Review: The Philanthropy of George Soros – Building Open Societies

UPDATE 30 June to add link to Notes on, and Video of George Soros and Aryeh Neier discussing the theme.  See also his full essay online with comment: George Soros Nails It: Intelligence with Integrity Chuck Sudetic 6 Star Special–Soros Out-Grows Broken System, June 24, 2011 On its own merits, without the Foreword from George …

Venessa Miemis: People-Powered Markets– 60 Resources

People-Powered Markets — 60 Resources There is a growing movement towards peer-to-peer value exchange and production, prompted by a variety of things, like economic conditions, shifting cultural values, exploration into collective intelligence, and further enabled by social technologies. I’ve been tracking the online marketplaces that have been cropping up for sharing, swapping, gifting and renting, …