Briefings & Lectures Directory (List)

Includes audio-visual interviews & testimony. Secret intelligence is ten percent of all-source intelligence; all-source intelligence is ten percent of Information Operations (IO).  IO is the foundation for Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), which in turn makes it possible to create a world that works for all. Updated 19 June 2015. Short URL …

DefDog: Panetta Within Reach of Defeating Al Qaeda–Four Trillion and a Quarter Century to Get Back to 1988

This would be a comic farce if it were not the largest sinkhole for money in the US arsenal of fraud.  Change in people,no change in rhetoric…… Panetta says U.S. is ‘within reach’ of defeating Al Qaeda The new defense chief says intelligence uncovered in the Bin Laden raid showed that 10 years of U.S. …

Audio (Expert Witness Radio): 1. Code Name “Geronimo” Significance 2. Jose Guerena Massacre

Play the Show When the Obama administration sent 24 Navy SEALs into Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, “Geronimo” was the code name for the mission. It was also the code the SEALs used to alert their commanders that they identified their target; and finally “Geronimo-E KIA” was the coded message to confirm that …

Islam is winning the ideological war — USG Helping

From Geostrategy Direct A recent study by the Pew Research Center indicates that 10 years after the September 11 attacks, support for Islamic fundamentalism is growing within the Muslim world and that U.S. efforts to produce an ideological counterproposal to Islamic terrorism have fallen short. Statistics released May 17 reveal, for example, that 47 percent …

Nuclear/Climate Change: CLOSED 17 May 2011

ROLLING UPDATE from Beginning of Crisis SHORT URL: 16 May 2011 ALL:  Study: Seaports unready for climate change CANADA:  Climate change threatens arctic coastlines CHINA:  China’s Nuclear Arsenal: Status and Evolution EUROPE-SPAIN:  Spanish Quake Jolts European Nuclear Debate GERMANY-JAPAN-USA:  Nuclear Nations Turn To Natural Gas And Renewables INDIA:  Manmohan Singh takes stock of country’s …