Marcus Aurelius: Spy of the Month – Made in USA, Bought in China

Counterintelligence Briefing Center Spy of the Month: March 2012 Glenn Duffie Shriver Naïve, young college student or disloyal American ready to spy for the People’s Republic of China (PRC)?  Glenn Duffie Shriver, aka Du Fei, was a student at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) in 2001 when he decided to attend a study abroad program …

NATO CIMIC: The Role of China in Afghanistan’s Economic Development & Reconstruction

PDF (8 Pages):  20120316 NATO CIMIC Role_of_China_in_Afghanistan_Economy_Development March 2012 This report examines the contribution of the People’s Republic of China to reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, with a particular emphasis on mining and natural resource exploitation. On 05 December 2011, at the Second International Bonn Conference on Afghanistan, China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs declared the …

NIGHTWATCH: China Trends

China: Special Comment: A day after Premier Wen Jiabao delivered his valedictory address to the National People’s Congress, the Communist Party’s Organizational Department announced that Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai had been replaced by Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang. Chongqing (previously Chungking) is one of five national core cities – with Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou …

DefDog: China Tries Real Name Registration Online

Real-Name Registration Threatens the Lively World of China’s Microblogs Tricia Wang and An Xiao Mina, 15 March 2012 The timeline on Sina Weibo, China’s popular Twitter-like service, is filled with pithy comments about “Beijing Fashion Week,” chronicling the comings and goings and sartorial choices of the elite. But the commenters aren’t fashionistas, and they …

NIGHTWATCH: China Builds…and Builds…While US …?

China-North Korea: China announced it will invest US$3 billion in the Rason special economic zone in northeastern North Korea. Under the deal, by 2020 China would build an airport, a power plant, a cross-border railway and improve the port facilities in the North’s Rason economic zone bordering China and Russia. The 55-kilometre cross-border railway track …

NIGHTWATCH: China & Japan Coordinate Naval Patrols — DoD Clueless on Future in Pacific

Somalia: For the record. India, China and Japan have begun coordinated naval patrols off the Horn of Africa with the assistance of counter-piracy mechanism Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE), Indian navy sources said. This is the first time that these three have coordinated in this fashion, though all have been engaged in anti-piracy operations for …