Review: Team of Vipers – My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House by Cliff Sims

5 Stars – Authentic – Honors the President While Exposing All Who Would Betray the President President Donald Trump has a right to be angry about this book because it violates a non-disclosure agreement signed by the author. However, I am quite certain the President has not actually read the book or he would realize …

SPECIAL & Event: Dr. Randy Short – Black Pastors Denounce Congressional Black Caucus and Denounce “Equality Act” As Going Too Far – National Press Club 5 February High Noon

Scores of American religious leaders, pastors, pro-life/pro-family activists, professional counselors, and social scientists have named themselves the Gone Too Far Movement (GTFM) with the aim challenge the effort of the LGBTQ movement hijacking the Civil Rights laws that were made to correct historic injustices against Black Americans.