Josh Kilbourn: War Against Iran Has Been Underway

Is Iran Already Under Attack? Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic, Dec 2, 2011 Adam Chandler, the Goldblog deputy-editor-for-monitoring-Iran-obsessively-even-though-Goldblog-himself-also-monitors-Iran-obsessively, pointed out to me the other day that perhaps the West has already begun the attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, that perhaps we ought to reframe this issue a bit. The attacks he mentioned are not the usual …

Robert Steele: Iran Arrests Twelve CIA Agents

Iran Reportedly Arrests Twelve CIA Agents EXTRACT: US officials confessed on Tuesday that Iranian intelligence forces and Hezbollah have unraveled the CIA’s spy network in Iran and Lebanon and arrested dozens of informants, severely damaging the intelligence agency’s reputation and ability to gather vital information on the two countries at a sensitive time in the …