NIGHTWATCH Extract: Consulate Closed, Window Opens

Mexico: For the record. The United States closed its consulate in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez on Thursday pending a security review, according to The Associated Press. The US Embassy announced the consulate will “remain closed until the security review is completed.” Three additional paragraphs from this item deleted, can be seen at …

Journal: Silence of the Goats–and Sheep

CONTENTS Cover Letter Links to Attachments Links to Articles Senior Executive Comment & PBI Comment Acting Director of National Intelligence, David C. Gompert, reaction to the Washington Post series This morning, the Washington Post began a series of articles on the growth of the Intelligence Community following the terrorist attacks on 9/11. The reporting does …

Worth a Look: SIPRI 10 June Taking Stock

FULL SOURCE ONLINE About Dr. Bates Gill (US), New and seventh Director, Stockholm International Peace Research Intitute Most interesting sentence: The number of civilians mandated for roles in United Nations missions has increased, as has the number of multilateral civilian peace missions. Yet, the international community’s record in strengthening civilian capacities in peace operations is …

Review: Corruption and Anti-Corruption–An Applied Philosophical Approach

Beyond Six Stars: Superb Foundation Work–Should Be Translated, May 5, 2010 Seumas Miller, Peter Roberts, Edward Spence Corruption is the pervasive, pernicious, pathological, preemptory, and predatory commonality within the ten high level threats to humanity as identified by the United Nations High-Level Threat Panel and published in 2004 in A More Secure World: Our Shared …

Handbook: Bullets and Blogs Information Operations

Invite your attention to attached — contains a couple of interesting observations about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): “…open source intelligence — catapulting it to primary place for new adversaries and increasingly for the U.S. military — and also rapid organizational learning and assembly of capabilities…”  [page 9] “…There are strong indications that Hezbollah made significant …

Worth a Look: Eight Books on Securing the Peace and the New Meme “Responsibility to Protect”

Timely and pathbreaking, Securing the Peace is the first book to explore the complete spectrum of civil war terminations, including negotiated settlements, military victories by governments and rebels, and stalemates and ceasefires. Examining the outcomes of all civil war terminations since 1940, Monica Toft develops a general theory of postwar stability, showing how third-party guarantees …