20120701 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything 20120628 Open Source Everything Highlights Open-Source Everything Manifesto (P2P Wiki) Open Source Developer Education Website Now Features New Technology Education Centers Mucker Lab and Mozilla Team-up on Open-Source Startup Accelerator Program Qualcomm Restructures To Protect its Patents Red Hat Redefines Enterprise and Hybrid Cloud Storage

Michel Bauwens: Emergence, Crisis, Replacement

Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks “Technology, and particularly communications technology, generates the conditions of possibility for changes in power structures. Daniel R. Headrick argues in The Tools of Empire that 19th century European imperialism, which at one point controlled three quarters of the surface of the Earth, only became possible …

Michel Bauwens: The Sharing Economy – Conversation with Links

El Correo de las Indias English edition The “Sharing Economy,” the “economy of the commons,” deserves and needs a point of reference equivalent to the large institutions of European social theory. Via GAIA: Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration Production, not consumption; Economics of the Commons, not Sharing Economics For a “Somewhere School of Sharing Economics” …

Michel Bauwens: Interview on Person to Person Alternatives

  An interview with Michel Bauwens founder of Foundation for P2P Alternatives | www.furtherfield.org It’s a commonplace now that the peer-to-peer movement opens up new ways of creating relating to others. But you’ve explored the implications of P2P in depth, in particular its social and political dimensions. If I understand right, for you the phenomenon …

Michel Bauwens: The commons law project: A vision of green governance

The commons law project: A vision of green governance Republished from David Bollier: (the original has links to the source material) “For the past two years or more, I’ve been working on a major research and writing project to try to recover from the mists of history the bits and pieces of what might be …

VIDEO (11:02): Warren Pollock Interviews Robert Steele on Open Source Everything

Robert Steele author of the book The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust joins us in an integrity inspired talk on his new book. “In the United States, where every form of organization from government to banks to labor unions has betrayed the public trust—is integrity. Also lacking is public intelligence in the sense …