J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – March 2021 #4 Lights Out NYC!

DO NOT MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR! https://bigbatusa.org 15 May to 6 September — EPIC! Three Russian nuclear submarines surface within a reported 15 minute missile range of NYC and a video sent to NATO showing the Russians opening three ICBM missile hangers all in one week. Do you think the Russians are trying to …

Robert Steele: The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is a RICO Organization in Service to the Deep State — Treason Be Thar….

I have known for some time that the Deep State has been leveraging the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an unregistered agent of a foreign power skilled at state-sponsored terrorism, genocide, and trade in children, body parts, and drugs, as its chief censor. I have also known that the ADL has been developing for years now an …

Scott Kesterson: Some Big Ideas [In Conversation with Robert Steele

Scott Kesterson spoke with Robert Steele for an hour on March 30th about mutual interests — the video is here.  The BIG surprise for Robert was Scott’s extemely original, integrated, relevant ideas for Making America Great Again. Below Robert shares his notes. He has encouraged Scott to publish a short book at Amazon in Kindle …

Stephen E. Arnold: Exchange Servers: Not Out of the Dog House Yet

Here’s a chilling statement I spotted in “Microsoft Servers Being Hacked Faster Than Anyone Can Count”: “This free-for-all [Exchange Server] attack opportunity is now being exploited by vast numbers of criminal gangs, state-backed threat actors and opportunistic “script kiddies… Because access is so easy, you can assume that majority of these environments have been breached.” …

Mongoose: Rep. Lauren Boebert to Newsmax TV: Anti-Gun Dems ‘Playing Politics With Our Lives’

This, in my opinion, is a common sense view on what happened (again) in Colorado where there are strict gun control laws in effect.  Special thanks to all the “Blueprint” advocates. Tom “One and God make a majority.” – Frederick Douglass Democrats are going to spin Monday’s mass shooting at a Colorado grocery store into talk …

JC Cole: American Gray Swans – March 2021 #2 Oil, NATO, America & Russia

In a recent article of the Gray Swans I listed a series of suspicious events related to energy and a possible on-going sabotage of petroleum choke points (Link). Here is an up-dated list including the growing tensions between NATO and Russia. Below are listed Events since Creepy Sleepy Joe canceled the Keystone pipeline and petroleum …