Berto Jongman: 2020 Political Violence Year in Review

ACLED 2020: THE YEAR IN REVIEW KEY FINDINGS Overall conflict levels decreased. Political violence decreased by approximately 22% — or 24,539 events — compared to 2019. ACLED records 113,170 events in 2019, relative to 88,631 in 2020. Political violence decreased in every region of the world covered by ACLED, except for Africa. Fatalities from political violence …

“The CEO of Gab drives his picket pin” – Email Received by Ed Jewett

Reader submission: Gab has been banned from five different banks over the course of the past three weeks. We operate a legal US business. We sell a software license to our GabPRO service along with hats, shirts, mugs, and other merchandise. The latest bank told us they are terminating our account because “the media has written bad …

Mongoose: How Many Dying from Toxic COVID “Vaccine”?

A superb itemization — Beware the Threat! UPDATED – How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing? Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB ChB DSc See Especially: Video (32:34): Dr. Tenpenny Expains In Simple Terms Some Of The Dangers of The Covid-19 “Vaccine” UPDATED with MD Transcript & Additional Links  

Betty Boop: Weak Signals Shit Is Happening in DC

Alert Reader shares these links and images. US Capitol locked down and Biden presidential inauguration rehearsal evacuated over security threat- Videos-South Capitol put on lockdown over ‘exterior security threat’ after fire erupts in nearby area outside complex-January 18, 2021

Eagle: The Talmud Is Not the Bible and the Rothschilds Rule All

Alert Reader shares these insights: You will find a review of the Talmud in the “On The Jewish Question in Europe” published in “La Civilta Cattolica” in 1890 that predicted the Talmudic Jewish overthrow in Europe in 1933 in the next link. The most exhaustive treatise on this subject is the “Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by …