Mongoose: Warning Notice – from Elephants to Squirrels, the Deep State Shitheads are Moving Toward Animal Epidemics — Second Wave Will Hit Animals in USA and Poor Everywhere Else….

Alert Readers send in elephant and squirrel stories. Elephants: What’s killing Botswana’s elephants? Here are the top theories. Squirrels: Squirrel in Colorado tests positive for the bubonic plague Phi Beta Iota: Robert Steele called for a counterintelligence strike force in his original assessment of the Wuhan virus as bio-engineered and Zionist in nature (not a …

Robert Steele: Palestine Eradicated from Maps by Zionist-Controlled Big Tech Apple, Google . . .

BREAKING: American Tech Giants Google-Apple Remove Palestine From World Maps, Replace With Israel The “cancel culture” is a Deep State / Zionist play to eradicate history and make everything about the fractured present.  This was explicitly forecast in George Orwell’s book 1984. What the UK, US, **and the Arab dictatorships** have allowed to happen to …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – June 2020 — Bye Bye American Billionaires!

American Gray Swans – June 2020 Bye Bye American Billionaires! If you know the famous song by Don McLean – American Pie from the 1970’s, sorry I had to ad-lib a little to make the point. So Bye Bye American Billionaires! I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. And them …

Robert Steele: Breaking the Silence Against the Zionist Criminal State’s Occupation of the USA and Palestine

I have been flooded with positive emails from patriots every since I published Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13) and did this interview #UNRIG Video (53:10) Shaun Attwood Famous Crime Author & …