Assessment of the Position of Director of National Intelligence

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) was created to examine how the terrorist attacks of September 2001 could have occurred and what could be done to prevent future attacks.  Among other things the Commission recommended that there should be a National Intelligence Director who would have “two main areas …

Wikileaks Round II (Iraq) Rolling Update 20101105

NOTICE: Within DoD, at least all elements of the Army as well as the Marine Corps Reserve have been given direct, unqualified, written orders not to access the Wikileaks site or read the Wikileaks document via any Government **OR** non-Government computer.  This Rolling Update complies with the DoD guidance. Friday 5 November 2010 WikiLeaks Incidents May …

Reference: Panetta Puts Lipstick on the Pig (Again)

Message from the Director: Lessons from Khowst Last December, our Agency family lost seven courageous and talented colleagues in a terrorist attack at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khowst, Afghanistan. These dedicated men and women were assigned to CIA’s top priority—disrupting and dismantling al-Qa’ida and its militant allies. That work carries, by its very nature, …