Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon’s Pharma Play — Selling Names to Police for Gun Confiscation?

Amazon: Information and Its Pharma Play Amazon sells quite a few health related products. One I found interesting is Amazon’s hydrogen peroxide. That’s an interesting chemical, and I wondered who has order a higher concentration version. I assumed that Amazon could answer that question, among others; for example, who bought certain books describing the use …

Stephen E. Arnold: Silicon Valley a Moral Cesspool?

Management Expert Mines s Silicon Valley Digital Insight I enjoy the insights of high flying authors, management experts, and academic superstars. Consider “Silicon Valley Has Become a Moral Cesspool.” I learned something surprising, no, shocking: But Peters [management guru] is increasingly “pissed off” that people don’t seem to get the point: Businesses should enrich the …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Will Palantir Follow Cambridge Analytica Over the Facebook Cliff?

Phrase of the Day: Collateral Damage The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data scandal has rightly been scrutinized by everyone from individual users to entire government bodies. As could be expected when the players are this large, what people are finding links together unlikely suspects and victims in this data breach. One such surprise popped up this week …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Content Scraper Open Source

Amazon Scraper Short honk: Want to scrape Amazon content? Amazon has renamed a previous tool and released it as open source. Navigate to Microsoft’s GitHub and download Amz2csv. The tool performs as advertised. One question which we are pondering is, “Why is Amazon releasing this tool as open source?”

Stephen E. Arnold: Forbes Tests Amazon’s Police State Capability Rekognition

Forbes Does a Semi Rah Rah for Amazon Rekognition …based on conversations with those in my lectures, two categories of comments and questions capture the reaction to the US government documents I reviewed. First, Europeans do not think about Amazon as anything other than a vendor of products and a service which allows relatively low …

Stephen E. Arnold: Doxxing – the Weaponization of Personal Information

Doxxing Explained For those unfamiliar with the practice of “doxxing,” Stuff has shared a clear introduction on the topic peppered with links to more information—“What is Doxxing, and Why Is It So Scary?” Reporter Jasmine McNealy describes the technique of discovering personal information available online and using it against one’s target. She also emphasizes how …

Stephen E. Arnold: Does Amazon Have ALL Facebook User Data?

Short Honk: Does Amazon Have Facebook Data? I read “Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends.” The write up mentions Amazon as a company given “access to vast amounts of its users’ personal information.” So the answer appears to be “Yes.” I assume that the NYT report is “real” news. …