Cynthia McKinney with Sarah Westhall: AIPAC, #UNRIG, Robert Steele, and More….

Part 1: Cynthia McKinney joins the program to discuss #UNRIG, MeetUp account cancellation, AIPAC lobby and the methods it uses to control Washington D.C. She also discusses the latest legislation that passed the Senate on July 27th, 2017 that adds sanctions to Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Cynthia McKinney doesn’t hold back on her analysis …

Mongoose: Do Herbert McMaster & Gary Cohn “Own” Donald Trump? When Do These Traitors Get Fired?

McMaster and Cohn are full of shit — are they the Deep State controllers of our legitimately-elected President? Time to clean house. AMERICA FIRST, NOT ALONE: Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster is leading the charge in defending the president’s performance on the world stage, in particular his last stop in Europe where Trump ruffled some feathers …

Yoda: Trump Under Attack, Trump On Attack?

We have no direct knowledge.  Under Attack: New $80M Anti-Trump Network Spearheaded by Soros-Funded Org With Former ACORN Employees Network will focus on pushing back against voter laws leading up to the 2018 and 2020 elections On Attack & Working With China?

Review: The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

David Talbot  6-Star Reference for President Donald Trump — John Brennan Using Allen Dulles Playbook   I have reviewed over 300 books on secret intelligence here at Amazon, and written eight books of my own – as a former spy, co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and direct participant in “Deep State” and “false …

SPECIAL: Jared Kushner Working for Israel to Enable Saudi Arabian Nuclear Attack Against Iran UPDATE 3: Trump May Be Gaming Zionists & Saudis, Pence to Go?

ROBERT STEELE: I have learned from a person I trust that Jared Kushner is being used by Israel to rapidly enable Saudi Arabian nuclear attack capability against Iran. In his recent call to the Lockheed CEO asking for a 12% discount (it should have been 50%) on Lockheed’s missile defense system, Kushner was overheard discussing …

Antechinus: America Is Going to War as a Financial Gimmick

America’s financial war strategy A 2015 paper by Major-General Qiao Liang says the US’s renewed desire to escalate military tensions is a front for America’s continual financial war using the ‘pump and dump’ cycle. Trump now realises the only way his presidency can prosper is by to encourage capital flight into America from abroad by …