Graphic: Earth Rescue Network Patch (Original)

This was designed by Robert Steele and is shared under Creative Commons copyright with commercial restriction.  There are two berets in existence, one in Sweden with Col Jan-Inge Svensson, the lead for peacekeeping intelligence and multinational information sharing, and one with Robert Steele, the lead for public intelligence in the public interest. Click on the …

2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer the World (Faculty of Advanced Engineering University of British Columbia March 2009)

Handouts (Their Site) PPT (Our Site): 2009 UBC The Ultimate Hack Slides 2.0 FINAL, with Notes) With a tip of the hat the University of British Columbia and Professor John Meech of the Faculty of Advanced Engineering, this is the latest briefing.  As with most of my briefings, planned words for brevity can be found …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Peace

Peace 2003 PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future Review DVD: Joyeux Noel (Widescreen) Review DVD: Peace One Day (2003) Review DVD: Peaceful Warrior Review DVD: The Peace! DVD (2004) Review: Burundi on the Brink 1993-95–A UN Special Envoy Reflects on Preventive Diplomacy Review: Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World Review: Intelligence for …

2012 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: 450-Ship Navy, <24 Hours to Anywhere, Peace from the Sea -- Full Text Online

I wrote the original Somali piracy overview for US CENTCOM J-2P in 2005–no one wanted to take on the problem.  A few years later I was told by both USSOCOM and Navy Irregular Warfare–I am not making this up–that the reason they did not take an interest at the time was that it was “not …