Lack of Integrity = Obama Loves GE, No Taxes Okay!

This is really disgusting.  Chuck Published on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 by Obama’s Fatal Corporate Addiction by Robert Scheer If it had been revealed that Jeffrey Immelt once hired an undocumented nanny, or defaulted on his mortgage, he would be forced to resign as head of President Barack Obama’s “Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.” But the …

Fatal Game of Chess–Obama Moves, Public Loses

Phi Beta Iota: This email is circulating in gold trading circles.  It does two things: establishes the absolute corruption of the US Congress in abdicating all of its Constitutional responsibilities in the public interest; and draws a line between “high Jews” that do not support Israel and “low Jews” that are now allegedly “not counted” …

Obama fails to grasp the gravity of going to war

Although a partisan paper, the Examiner does show the lack of understanding that is permeating the current administration…….. By: Byron York 03/24/11 8:05 PM The Examiner “I see Obama’s visiting the United States,” said Rush Limbaugh on Thursday, the president’s first full day back in Washington after a spring break diplomatic tour of Latin America…. …