Journal: US Unemployment 20-30% Not 10%

John Williams’ has unemployment above 20 %: http://www­.shadowsta­ Shadow Government Statistics : Home Page There’s a graph on that page that compares U-3, U-6, and SGS measurements of unemployment. http://www­.tribtoday­.com/page/­­tail/id/54­6814/Unive­rsity-stud­y-shows-tr­ue-jobless­-rate-at-3­0-5-percen­t.htm University study shows true jobless rate at 30.5 percent – “YOUNGSTOWN – A model for tracking America’s true joblessness puts the nation’s figure …

Journal: William Polk on Afghanistan Non-Strategy Plus Consolidated Journal, Review, and Reference Links for Afghanistan

William R. Polk recently sent out the attached letter to his distribution list.  It is a very comprehensive and I believe important review of Afghanistan.  I urge you to take the time to read it.  Appended to the end are a series of notes he used in the construction of his letter.   Polk know …

Journal: USG Clears Way in AF for “Thug in a Box”

The Obama Administration’s clear-hold-build-leave strategy in Afghanistan is crucially dependent on the Afghan’s central government’s ability to displace the Taliban with clean local governance throughout a rugged country larger than Texas, with a population of 28+ million, where the vast majority of people live in small hamlets and villages.  To this end, the combined forces …

Journal: Human Intel Or Technical Intel?

DoDBuzz,com August 5, 2009 Human Intel Or Technical Intel? By Greg Grant Some of the leading doyens of the Washington national security set recently returned from Afghanistan where they were part of new Afghan commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s strategy review. CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman reported back last week with a generally pessimistic take on the state …