Mongoose: Is Paul Ryan the Enemy?

Primary challenger: Ryan trying to ‘undermine’ Trump Paul Nehlen: He ‘doesn’t speak for the millions of Americans who fought to elect’ president Recent findings from Public Policy Polling suggest less than a quarter of voters support the AHCA. Several moderate Republicans are also running for cover after the Congressional Budget Office’s report showed 24 million …

Robert Parry: The War-Mongering Kagans….

The Kagans Are Back; Wars to Follow The neocon royalty Kagans are counting on Democrats and liberals to be the foot soldiers in the new neocon campaign to push Republicans and President Trump into more “regime change” wars, reports Robert Parry.

Mongoose: Violent “American Spring” Looms as “A Legacy of Blood” is Plotted

A “Legacy Of Blood” – Obama, Clinton, And Lynch Plotting A Violent Uprising Against Trump Sultan Knish: Obama’s Third Term is Here Expert: 60% of pro-Obamacare comments are posted by paid trolls The American Media Hide From The Truth See Also: When ‘Disinformation’ Is Truth President Trump’s Lawyers Plan a White House Legal Attack on …

Yoda: Empire Committing Suicide — Political Suicide, Foreign Policy Suicide, Military Suicide

The Empire Should be Placed on Suicide Watch The Saker, Unz Review, 12 March 2017 I would even argue that the Empire is pursuing a full-spectrum policy of self-destruction on several distinct levels, with each level contributing the overall sum total suicide. Political suicide: the Neocons’ refusal to accept the election of Donald Trump has …