EVENT REPORT: State of the Planet 2010, Columbia Univ, New York City

Panels and keynotes program schedule I was told via email from someone involved in the event that a video will be posted online.I will be posting this over a the Earth Institute blog (especially since it has zero comments for the March 25 event) as a challenge to improve the overall framework of the “State …

Reference: Retired CIA officer–Fix the Agency

CNN Editor’s note: Charles S. Faddis is a retired CIA operations officer and the former head of the CIA’s unit focused on fighting terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction. The author of a recently published book about the CIA, “Beyond Repair,” Faddis is also president of Orion Strategic Services, a Maryland-based consulting firm. Phi Beta …

Reference: WH CT Summary, POTUS Directive, DNI Blurb

EDIT of 9 Jan 10: Note seven comments from retired senior officers. Critique of the CT Summary for the White House This is a negligent piece of work that fails to include all that is known merely from open sources of information, but more importantly its judgments are misdirected.  This incident remains incompletely investigated until …

Journal: Yemen–Opening A New “Front” in the Long War

Nicht Schwerpunkt as a Prescription for Defeat by a 1000 Cuts Recent events like the Fort Hood Massacre and the bungled attempt to fire bomb the airliner bound for Detroit have focused attention on and encouraged our escalating intervention in Yemen, which has been taking place quietly, as if Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan were not …