1998 Open Source Intelligence: Private Sector Capabiltiies to Support DoD Policy, Acquisition, and Operations

The below reference and article was drafted by Robert Steele with some editorial assistance from Mark Lowenthal, who was briefly an employee of OSS before jumping to SRA International.  The article draws on the experience of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) that was established by General Al Gray, USMC, then Commandant of the Marine …

1997 Creating a “Bare Bones” Capability for Open Source Support to Defense Intelligence Analysis

DOC: Creating a Bare Bones OSINT Capability When Paul Wallner, on rotation from DIA to CIA, first attempted to establiksh an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) concept of operations, this was the first paper delivered to him.  At the same time, he gave OSS a fair shot at business with ten trial weekly reports spanning everything …

1995 Bjore (SE) Six Years of Open Source Information (OSI) Lessons Learned

Mats Bjore, along with Arno Reuser, Steve Edwards, Joe Markowitz, is one of a tiny handful of “originals” who have striven to create the discipline of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) that has now morphed into M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making).  Collective Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Civil Affairs as well as Civil Society …

1992 National Intelligence Council: Open Source Task Force–A Vision for the Future

1992 was a good year.  Everyone tried to do the right thing, but the forces of passive aggressive opposition were over-whelming.  Within the military, only the U.S. Marine Corps took this seriiously, and within the U.S. Intelligence Community (more like an archipelago) only the Defense Intelligence Agency–and within that agency only one man, Paul Wallner, …

1969 Herman L. Croom, The Exploitation of Foreign Open Sources

PDF:  1969 Croom Open Source Agency Original Online Source (GWU.EDU/~NSARCHIV) Phi Beta Iota:  We are indebted to Dr. Hamilton Bean, who discovered this document in the course of doing research for his superb book, the first authentic book on open source intelligence in the context of a secret world that would rather be blind, deaf, …

Answers on OSINT for India 46: OSINT Training Done Right? None

Sir, an official recently asked about institutions capable of training in OSINT in India. All those that i know about teach about internet surfing. Do you know any institutions in India that can impart true OSINT training or any officials who had been trained by you or your company? SHORT ANSWER: No one, anywhere, does …