2004 Simmons (US) to Schoomaker (US) Concern of Army Mis-Definition of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as a Category of Information Instead of a Transformational Discipline in its Own Right

General Schoomaker and Congressman Rob Simmons understood each other.  The letter below, from Congressman Simmons to General Schoomaker, was intended to give General Schoomaker an opportunity to instruct LtGen Keith Alexander, then Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence , as to his duties.  A change in Army doctrine resulted, and separate Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)doctrine …

2003 Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?

PLATINUM Jack Davis, De Facto Dean of the U.S. Intelligence Analytic Corps For over three decades, Jack Davis has been the heir to Sherman Kent and the mentor to all those who would strive to be the world’s most effective all-source intelligence analysts.  As a Central Intelligence Agency analyst and educator, he combines intellect, integrity, …

2003 Fyffe (CA) Intelligence Sharing and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Greg Fyffe retired before his contributioins could be properly acknowledged.  He  excelled at understanding the value of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in meeting political decision-support needs that must of necessity be discussed with and explained to parties outside the government.  He also excelled at seeing the role that OSINT could play in facilitating what the …

Memorandum: One-Page Initial Operating Capability (IOC) for a National Open Source Program (NOSP) as Delivered to the Senate Armed Service Committee (SASC)

During the August recess this got in to several SASC staff that were contemplating an OSINT initiative.  Don Gessman provided the recommended breakdown including an earmarked amount for inter-agency OSINT.  The Department of Defense and the Combatant Commands have always been the central organizing base for a national OSINT program, which would be funded by …

2000 Ermarth (US) Open Source Intelligence: A Fresh Look at the Past and the Future

Fritz Ermarth worked for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1973 until 1998 serving as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, as National Intelligence Officer for the USSR and East Europe and Director of the Strategic Evaluation Center. He has received both the Distinguished Intelligence Medal and the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal. Ermarth also served …