Jeff Sessions: Pedophilia Will Be My Top Priority

AG Jeff Sessions: Fight against ‘evil’ pedophiles a top priority Tuesday, June 6, 2017, in Atlanta, GA, in a speech at the National Law Enforcement Conference on Human Exploitation before about 1,500 law enforcement officials and victim support counselors who specialize in child sex abuse cases, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent a clear message …

Mongoose: European pedophilia royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties?

European royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties? Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about …

Joachim Hagopian: Overview of Global Elite Pedophilia Inclusive of Vice President Mike Pence and Senators Feinstein, Graham, Kaine, McCain, Schumer UPDATE 2 Book Online

PedoGate Update: The Global Elite’s Pedophile Empire is Crumbling – But Will it Ever Crash? “Tory Smith openly accused Vice President Mike Pence of being “a pedophile and child murderer,” and that Pence was the globalist system’s running mate choice foisted on Trump not unlike Reagan’s required VP was Bush senior. Speculation exists over whether …

Yoda: extraterrestrials & Pedophilia

Core knowledge, think we. Call to Abrogate Secret Greada & Tau-9 Treaties with Pedocriminal Extraterrestrials Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks: Abrogate & renegotiate secret Greada, Tau-9 Treaties with pedocriminal ETs: Draco reptilians, Orion Greys & Anunnaki ETs

Sibel Edmonds: FBI COINTELPRO — In the Business of Blackmailing Elite Pedophiles

Welcome to Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds. A new accuser has come forward alleging sexual assault in a lawsuit filed against Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The accuser claims that Hastert sodomized him in the 70s when he was 9 years old.  …  to truly understand the big picture, the truth, we need …