Chuck Spinney: The Arrogance of Ignorance Plus Meta-RECAP

We are fighting Islamism from ignorance, as we did the cold war The west wasted trillions in needless conflict with the USSR. Now we are being brainwashed into confrontation with Iran Simon Jenkins,, Thursday 1 March 2012 20.00 GMT Were we wrong? I have lived through two global conflicts: the west against Russian communism …

Chuck Spinney: Climate Models – Got Real Data?

The acid test of any scientific theory is whether or not its predictions reasonably match up to reality. The attached paper by Dr. David Evans is important because it compares predictions of climate models predicting global warming to our most advanced temperature measurement technologies. This is a good example of the kind of information that …

Chuck Spinney: Without Intelligence or Integrity, Incestuous Amplication of Self-Referencing (Corrupt Idiocy) Assures Eventual Implosion

Sun Tzu or Bismarck: Who will Prevail in the 21st Century? [Note: this first appeared in Time’s Battleland Blog (here)],  The first three chapters in Sun Tzu’s timeless classic “The Art of War” describe how to make net assessments by comparing your strengths and weaknesses and those of your adversary and how to formulate strategy. Near …

Chuck Spinney: Right-Wing & Neo-Nazi Merger

Yet another first rate piece of work from my good friend Mike Lofgren. The Right-Wing Id Unzipped Tuesday 14 February 2012 by: Mike Lofgren, Truthout | News Analysis Retired Republican House and Senate staffer Mike Lofgren spoke with Truthout in Washington, DC, this fall. Lofgren’s first commentary for Truthout, “Goodbye to All That: Reflections of …