Chuck Spinney: The Shadow World of the Global Arms Trade

In my opinion, one of the most important books written in recent years on the subject of the global arms trade and its corrupting effects is Andrew Feinstein’s, The Shadow World, Inside the Global Arms Trade. This voluminous book is mind numbing in its detail, but it is thoroughly sourced and, I believe, it will become a standard reference over time. …

Chuck Spinney: Col Davis on Dereliction of Duty in Afghanistan

By now, most readers have probably heard of the critical report issued on Afghanistan by a serving Army Lt Colonel.  For those readers who have not seen it, this email forwards it without commentary. In the attached 84 page report (pdf), Lt Colonel Daniel Davis (US Army) opens with the following charge: “Senior ranking US …

Chuck Spinney: For the Record – Government Complicit, Banks Walk Away from Mortgage Crimes with 1% Settlement

The Top Twelve Reasons Why You Should Hate the Mortgage Settlement Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism, 9 Feb 2012 As readers may know by now, 49 of 50 states have agreed to join the so-called mortgage settlement, with Oklahoma the lone refusenik. Although the fine points are still being hammered out, various news outlets (New York …

Chuck Spinney: F-35 Out of Everything Except Money

F-35: Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas — But Never Money Chuck Spinney TIME, 30 January 2012 No program better illustrates the pathologies of the weapons acquisition process as it is currently practiced by the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) than the entirely predictable, and in this case, predicted, problems dragging the F-35 …

Chuck Spinney: Is Global Warming Religion or Science?

From a perspective of elementary epistemology, the difference between practice of religion and practice of science is really quite simple:  in  religion, one changes one’s observations about reality to fit one’s conception or model of reality ; in science, one changes one’s model of reality to fit one’s observations about reality.  At the heart of …

Chuck Spinney: How Bankers Own White House, Offer Clandestine Tax Evasion Services in USA

The Washington-Wall Street Revolving Door Keeps Spinning Tuesday 24 January 2012 by: Bill Moyers and Michael Winship, Moyers & Co. | Op-Ed We’ve already made our choice for the best headline of the year, so far: “Citigroup Replaces JPMorgan as White House Chief of Staff.” When we saw it on the website we had to smile — but the …