Venessa Miemis: US Cultural Narrative is Broken

Essential Skills for 21st Century Survival: Part 6: Storytelling The following video by Jonah Sachs, creative director at Free Range Studios has prompted me to get back to completing the next installment in this Essential Skills series. He does a beautiful job revealing the secrets of effective and high-impact storytelling. Jonah Sachs at Compostmodern ’11 …

David Brin: Three-Quarters Climate Change Man-Made

Three-Quarters of Climate Change Is Man-Made An independent study quantifies the human and natural contributions, with solar radiation contributing only minimally Quinn Schiermeier and Nature Magazine Scientific American, 5 december 2011 Natural climate variability is extremely unlikely to have contributed more than about one-quarter of the temperature rise observed in the past 60 years, reports …

Ralph Nader: Overcoming Corporatism

From: Ralph Nader Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 8:38 AM Subject: Overcoming Corporatism/Selling My Book The organizers of the spreading Occupy initiative are taking their awareness and moral indignation right to corporate territory—Wall Street, the corporate lobbies in Washington, D.C. and their likes around the nation. The denizens of corporate territory have taken notice, …